Customers We Serve

Office Workers


We work with both Incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) and competitive Local Exchange carriers (CLECs) to expand, build out, and support their networks. Our middle-mile network will allow carriers to realize their full potential while mitigating any excess costs.

School District

School Districts

The opportunities of unlimited bandwidth to the school districts would allow the exploration and development of collaborative programs with shared resources, tools, and applications such as centralized servers, media servers, and administrative applications. In addition, programs such as distance learning, web-based instruction, administrative services including financial programs, student records, and Internet access could be shared. Each of these programs plays a vital role in the daily operation of the educational system in the region..

University at Buffalo South Campus

Colleges and Universities

Erie County Colleges and Universities require Internet access and voice service to their faculty and students. Each location can have a Local Area Network (LAN) to group their computers and network devices together and then be part of a Wide Area Network (WAN) over a larger geographical area to provide higher broadband access, overall cost reduction of service, and lack of competition. Furthermore, they have students and faculty members that live in rural areas of the County that do not have access to high-speed broadband. The colleges can share many of the same opportunities for open-access fiber benefits as the K-12 environment throughout the county.


Healthcare Facilities

The interconnection of healthcare facilities allows for dedicated networks, increased capacity, reliable network redundancy, increased security, and overall savings on their networks.

Erie County NY Government =

Local Governments

As these applications continue to develop, collaboration between municipal entities is creating opportunities for efficiencies. Shared Geographical Information System files and centralized record keeping, among other applications, will transform the way municipal entities operate and do business.


1.) Consolidation of equipment and services yielding lower hardware costs, maintenance costs and labor related expenses.

2.) Ability to better manage data files, which also reduces costs associated with file sharing and backups.

3.) The provision of more cost-effective options for disaster recovery and continuity of government planning.

4.) The capability to explore new technologies which are not otherwise possible with the current network bandwidth configuration..

Business and Enterprise

Business and Enterprise

Business organizations can boost economic growth through the use of the fiber optic backbone to interconnect their facilities for several applications such as integrated voice, data, video, energy management, security, and centralized processing.


1.) Stable telecommunications cost

2.) Diversity and redundancy via ring topology

3.) Control over bandwidth

4.) Access to telecommunications competition